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Chief Dental Officer Zone & Theatre

Interim Chief Dental Officer, England, Jason Wong and his team will be hosting a series of presentations at the CDO Theatre. 

Each topic will be split into a series of short talks, panel discussions and presentations from leading subject experts in their field, with time for Q&A. Further opportunities for discussions will be available on the adjoining CDO Zone stand.

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12:15 - 13.45
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: This is an invitation only session where Interim Chief Dental Officer England, Jason Wong, will host representatives from a variety of dental organisations. It will provide a unique opportunity to discuss issues facing the profession and open channels for collaboration. Jason is keen to grasp the issues challenging the dental team, with a view to understanding how we can best inform the work of the Office of the Chief Dental Officer.

15:45 - 16:15
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, D

    The Advancing Dental Care Review (2021) produced a blueprint for change for dental education. As part of delivering the subsequent Dental Education Reform Programme NHSE Workforce, Training and Education (WT&E), Midlands have created new leadership posts for primary care dentists and DCPs to support career development and inspire future leaders.

    Learning Outcomes:  Following the session attendees will be able to
    - explain the need for leadership opportunities for primary care dentists and DCPs
    - outline the new leadership fellow posts in the Midlands
    - recount the projects currently being undertaken by fellows in the Midlands

16:15 - 17:00
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: B, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: Developing career opportunities for the dental team. Hear about what opportunities are available for you to enhance your leadership potential and learn new skills. Hear from leaders of the schemes and those who have participated and how their newfound skills have changed their careers.

10:45 - 11:45
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, B, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: 

    Protecting patients is paramount to everything we do, but how can we do that if we are not looking after ourselves? What support is available to the dental team?

    Learn top tips for keeping your records clear and concise and learn how this will protect both professionals and patients. Additionally, join us alongside representatives from the GDC and CQC to discuss how to identify risks and unintended consequences of our practice.

    This session includes the Monica Matanda memorial presentation.

14:00 - 15:00
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: A, C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: High needs patients – managing their disease and personalising their care plans. Iain Chapple and Avi Banerjee share with you the wealth of their experience and knowledge of what best practice looks like when treating this patient group. Healthwatch lift the lid on understanding the patient experience. Don’t miss this session to hear your patients’ voice.

15:15 - 16:15
  1. CDO Theatre
    • CDO Theatre

    CPD Outcomes: C, D

    Overview/Learning Outcomes: 

    Core20PLUS5 is a national NHS England approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level.

    Every day you will treat patients suffering from health inequalities. This session will explain how health inequalities are being tackled and how this impacts on the oral healthcare you are delivering. Focusing on some of the Core20PLUS5 clinical areas (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, children and young people), learn what you too can do to combat inequalities for your patients. 


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