DURATAIN retainers from S4S Dental Lab offer a sup ...
Smilelign at S4S offers dentists a reliable and ef ...
The Sleep Clench Inhibitor (SCi), is an FDA-approv ...
S4S Dental offers dentists effective solutions for ...
Vitalisse Professional Teeth Whitening, developed ...
When your patients telephone into your practice, the postcode finder can locate their name, address and contact details quickly and efficiently by simply entering in their postcode in the software.
As consumers, your patients are accustomed to receiving text message reminders for all manner of appointment, from healthcare to hairdressing and even their shopping delivery schedule. By keeping the sms text messaging system internally within your software we are able to offer a seamless service using only premium gateway providers.
So, is sms an effective marketing channel for dentists?
Patient portal is used to securely send documents, consent forms, questionnaires as well as patient information requests from the Systems for Dentists platform directly to the patient’s own smart device.
Systems for Dentists supports the integration of the wireless signature pad technology.
Cloud hosting is a service where your data is hosted on a network of interconnected servers, known as the cloud. This is instead of it being hosted on a single physical server.
Systems for Dentists as the hosting provider, manages the cloud infrastructure which enables you to have access to your database.
Simplify Your Patient Interactions Introducing Den ...
From Simpler to Smarter: Unlock the power of Denta ...
Streamline your practice with our latest technolog ...
A one-to-one relationship with your very own denta ...
A better experience for your patients Your patie ...
The future of dentistry Software of Excellence is ...
The Score Nurse stools provide the best possible support for dental nurses. The 360 Support nurse arm can be used as an arm, lumbar and body support. It can be mounted left- or rightsided and easily adjusted up- , in- and outwards. It can be combined with ergoshape, round, or our saddle seats. The base can be as small as 60 cm and a footring is optional.
The Score Amazone (34 cm) and Jumper (44 cm) seats differ in width and sitting position. On the narrower Amazone you can sit higher as your legs can be placed closer together. The wider Jumper seat provides broader support. The stools can be equipped with a Tilt or a Balance mechanism (pictures). Our Balance mechanism ensures that the seat angle changes with you when you change your point of gravity and the flexibility is adjustable by turning the ring. Lumbar support optional.
The Score Ergo Support is our best seating solution for Microscope dentistry. Designed for prolonged sitting with arms that can be adjusted not only in height and width, but also laterally. The wide armpad provides stability. You can keep your arms close to your body and take the weight from shoulders and neck. The ergoshape seat has cut outs taking pressure away from the upper legs and seat and back are adjustable in height and angle,
The Score Apical has been carefully developed together with ergonomists and physical therapists and conforms to ISO standards 7493 (Dentistry - Operator's stool) and 11226 (Static working postures). The result is a work chair that helps dental care professionals adopt an ergonomic sitting posture to minimize neck, shoulder and back complaints.
Both the RA and SOL lights are available with our ...