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Society of British Dental Nurses

Championing the professional vision of dental nurses, paving the way for a fulfilling career and achieving goals with ‘a can do‘ approach. We know only too well how hard dental nurses work and what it takes to be excellent at what you do… We are stronger together.

Mission statement


Our vision is to inspire and engage dental nurses at each and every stage of their career. We will consider the here and now, and the future landscape of dentistry. Our guiding philosophy is that we will support the development of a sustainable and effective workforce, which as a result will advance our profession through education and professional activity.

5 core values are central to our work

1.  Influencing policy and informing change.

2.  Enhancing the capacity and ability of our membership.

3.  Placing education, learning, experience, growth and development at the heart of the society.

4.  Recognising national and local priorities and our role within these areas.

5.  Dedicated to the education and support of dental nursing students.
