Stand: G30
- | BDIA Member
- | Accessories
- | Anaesthetics & Sedation
- | Disinfection and Sterilisation
- | Endodontics
- | Impression Materials
- | Minimally Invasive Dentistry
- | Mouthwashes and Rinses
As a World Leader in dental pain management and biocompatible and bioactive dentine substitutes, Septodont are delighted to introduce Biodentine XP and BioRoot RCS, making your whole procedure from preparation to dispensing easier when it comes to deep cavities; the treatment of “irreversible” pulpitis and RCTs. RTR+ and RTR+ Membrane are the new essentials for bone grafts. Combine all these innovative products with our new range of Septoaccessories and you'll see that Septodont helps dentists with everyday treatments every day.
Come and find out how we can help your Practice and your patients at the Septodont Stand and also volunteer your talents for Dentaid whilst you look around one of their amazing mobile dental units.
Units R & SOrchard Business Centre
St Barnabas Close
ME16 0JZ
United Kingdom
Contact Exhibitor
All the brilliance of BioRoot RCS in a ready mixed syringe.
Biodentine XP making dentine replacement even easier