WoodWedges: Why woodn’t you?
Put gravy on your Coco Pops, eat a ball of hair from the plug hole, let a snail slide across your tongue, kiss a hairy spider or sleep on a bed of cockroaches – these are all things that most of us wouldn’t do. All of which are understandable!
One thing that isn’t understandable is why anyone woodn’t use WoodWedges!
Polydentia interdental maple wood wedges are made of maple wood from sustainable Swiss forests. These anatomically correct wood wedges can be easily inserted into the interproximal space, buccally or lingually, without damaging the papilla. The Wood Wedges feature concave sides that provide matrix adaptation along the cervical margin and do not interfere with the shape of the matrix.
Polydentia colour-coded wooden wedges are bright, easy to see and available in different sizes to offer an accurate fit as well as providing the necessary separation required to create anatomically-correct contact points. Each wedge is eco-friendly, tissue friendly and highly customisable.
The Modern Therapist, Cat Edney, uses the Polydentia Wood Wedges and said,
“I like to use wood wedges because I can customise them to fit the interproximal box shape while I prep. This helps reduce sectional matrices deformation in deep cases.”
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